Couple of things I wanted to share regarding Associa:
If you mail your payment to the office (or use bill pay through your bank) add your account number (found under your address on the first page of the letter ) and last name and please mail those to:
c/o Associa EMB Management
PO Box 45450
San Francisco, CA 94145-0450
If you want to get in touch with Associa, you can email their customer service at .
Please return the customer information sheet to the company as requested. Associa wants the best and most up to date contact information for you. This will also correct name misspellings and any other incorrect information I may have had in the office.
If you still have to pay for your pool membership, please bring those checks to the office and I will get them sent to Associa.
I hope that helps a bit. If you have questions, please email or call the office.