Pool Renovations and Repairs
Greetings Beckonridge Community,
Exciting News! This fall the Facilities committee worked to obtain bids to make some much needed renovations to our pool. The work will start next weekend (Jan 31st and Feb 1st) and ultimately be completed around the end of May. During times of construction, we can expect traffic from heavy machinery and construction noise, especially at the start of the project as they demolish the old concrete deck and haul it away. The bulk of the work will take place between the hours of 8am to dusk in an effort to minimize disruption as much as possible. As we move into spring and better weather, another round of construction will take place as a new concrete deck is put in place and the pool resurfaced.
This capital improvement to our community is long overdue and we can expect to enjoy this work for well over 20+ years. Our pool is a focal point for the Beckonridge community, reflected in pool memberships that pay for operating costs and in the capital reserves set aside annually for this type of required asset management.
If you have any questions, please contact Susan at beckonridge@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Board of Trustees